covetLogoLarge.gif Covet
1 : to wish for enviously
2 : to desire (what belongs to another) inordinately or culpably
     Synonym (desire)


Shower Radio
Added: 11.21.2002
Category: Houseware
Approximate Cost: $50
Model: ICF-S79V
Available Through: here

i'm greatly sleep deprived. for me, going to bed is hard. but getting up in the morning is even harder. therefore my morning regiment is very precise because i'm working at a significantly deprecated state. for instance, i never untie my work shoes simply because i do not have the faculties to lace a pair of shoes before 10am.

another thing i require is an idiot proof radio for the shower. i have one now but it is too complex. instead of having preset buttons to push for changing the station there is a knob. yeah i know, a person of my age should be able to handle a simple left and right knob but i left something out. the knob's wet. now what do you have to say?

before you answer, let me paint you a picture. me naked, standing in the shower, leaning against the cold tiled wall face three inches from this radio, puckered fingers on this slippery nubbin (on the radio) trying to make fine tuning adjustments to a station that just doesn't want to come up in the first place. i don't want to die cold, tired and naked in my shower because i had a heart attack in the tub just because a chimp could tap out macbeth on a 50's typewriter faster than i could find NPR on the radio. not to mention that NPR's neighbor on the dial is some religious preaching channel and i've listened to up to 8 minutes of that before realizing i'm on the wrong station. this isn't doing my heart rate any favors either.

so i've hopefully demonstrated my need for this. and did i mention that i need it before tomorrow morning.
