d e t a i l s

later that night i had the following conversation with marty, my then girlfriend:

man, you should see how this girl at work whispers. it's the most bizarre thing.

how do you mean?

i was standing waiting to talk to <so and so1> and <so and so2> came up behind me, totally pushed against me and whispered in my ear. then she left.

pushed against you?

yeah. i felt her breasts, her hip bones, her everything. if i turned around we would have just consummated something. isn't that the weirdest.

what did she say?

nothing really. telling me she put some papers on my desk.

she was hitting on you.

what? no! not this girl. she just whispers funny.

let me say that again. she was hitting on you troy.

no way. this girl not only does not like me, i'd put good money on the fact that she viscerally hates me. and she's getting married in like a week. and she's attractive, which should be enough for you to know you're wrong.

troy. she was hitting on you. now don't let your long history of never knowing when this was happening to you cloud your judgment. take it from another woman, this was an advance.

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