mono as in one or me. rail as in to vent or complain. thus monorail.


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me vs afi's top 100

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The Net
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MONORAIL: ENTRY ARCHIVE [current]   [random]
HEALTH (permalink) 03.09.2012
ah, hell!
i'm sick. i'm convinced this and half of my illnesses 1 can be tied back to a hand-shake i made with a person who i heard say, to someone else, moments later that they were finally coming over something. thanks.

while i love the cordial and storied tradition of the handshake, i think i've decided i'm done with them. as for how i'll dodge an outstretched hand i'll simply confess that one of my children is home sick and they don't want anything to do with the microbes that have pitched tents in my little humans. i figure that's like two slots below circling my office in a red CONTAGION tape.

oddly, i think hugs are still ok so don't by surprised if you suddenly find me all up in your business.

1 the other half can surely be tied to surprise, wet, sloppy zerburts from kids with mucus plugs filling their nostrils or them taking pulls off my drink before i realize i'm sharing my cup with a plague victim.

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