mono as in one or me. rail as in to vent or complain. thus monorail.


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SOCIETY (permalink) 11.16.2020
Part 1 - The New Norm
Of all the people in our family, adjusting to the pandemic lifestyle has been hardest on Marty. Each of my kids prefer online school. Bella misses her non-curricular social outings but likes being able to attend class from our front porch or a park. My boys appreciate the efficiencies of zoom-school as well as getting to sit side by side like classmates. For me, I've been training for this since the start of my company in 2016. You might say my quarantine-muscles have an olympic-grade sheen to them after four years of daily grinding in my home office. Aside from having less than three hours of alone time in the last nine months, it is business as usual for me.

So Marty wins the biggest pill prize. This is understandable as she is a teacher. It seems next to anyone working in health care, the education industry has maybe seen the biggest shift in their work product (of those fortunate enough to still be working at least). For posterity sake, given how rapidly things things leave my memory these days, I wanted to document her experience, at least my sense of her experience, through this crazy year and will do so over the next five days.

a new GALLERY IMAGE was posted today.

Part 1: The New Norm

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