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MONORAIL: Entries Tagged with WEB (86)

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i will never leave you again fat pipe
I had every intention on posting updates to my sight while away last week, but one thing stood between me and my site, all sites for that matter, the ever-advertised and always talked about JUNO. Until attempting to use their service via my parents' pc, I had never contemplated the meaning of their moniker. But after spending 20 minutes trying to get connected on three separate occasions and getting the warning from my mother that you can only connect after 11pm did I realize that juno stood for "JUNO nothing about the internet if you use this service." The sixty minutes I invested in trying to get connected to the net took five years off of my life, easy.
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Stop trying to hit me and hit me
I spent the last several days goofing off with Mr. Bookpimp from the big NC. A good block of our time was spent investigating the latest lead on a Napster replacement, and I'm pleased to announce that we do have a winner. MusicCity's Morpheus engine is leaps and bounds above its closest rival. With incredibly fast downloads, sophisticated interface, great selection diversity and reliable receipt of files I recommend any looking to sate the void left by our late friend Napster to visit and use Morpheus.

And as an added bonus, it does music videos too.
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TECHNOLOGY 2001-08-01
where's the remote to the world wide web?
Someone visited my site from a web TV. I didn't know that anyone actually had these. I thought they were a joke. I'm sorry, what I meant to say is that I know they are a joke and I didn't realize that there were people out there who did not know they were a joke. They must have fallen victim to that strong ad campaign.
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TECHNOLOGY 2001-07-13
we'd like 50 wallet-size please
the older i get, the less i can explain.
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TECHNOLOGY 2001-06-06
did i say that out loud
Two days ago I linked to some guys psychiatric evaluation and was wishing I had one that I could post (the continued woes of troy dearmitt--coming soon). Well, in that the guy has a very sexy and well done sight I was kicking around there a bit and realized that in his last few entries he admitted to experiencing a mental episode and would not be with us for awhile. Doh! Had I noticed this turn of events in this young man's life, I may not have poked at his cerebral workup. But, in the same breath, I will not feel bad because of all my immediate friends, I am the only one with the requisite amount of compassion for my fellow man to even consider sending slack to one in such a state. Sorry noah-man and stop laughing mike, steve, matt, eric, etc, etc, etc.
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TECHNOLOGY 2001-06-04
Please have a seat on the couch
I wish I had one of these to share with all of you.
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Do you know what it's like to slip on blood or brains?
Friend and former colleague chris mcgrath recently made quite a moving addition to his website chronicling war-torn Bosnia. If you ever need an attitude adjustment, chris' site is not a bad place to start. And, it never hurts to be specifically mentioned (on page four at the bottom) to add to the story's intrigue. I think that may be my first external link. I guess it's only right that the guy who got me started in the biz be the one to deflower me in this manner. Thanks Christopher.
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TECHNOLOGY 2001-02-23
The Roger Ebert of the Web
Someone recently turned me onto this website called Web Pages that Suck. Being a student of the genre I was anxious to pay the place a visit and get new and fresh insights. What a chasm of disappointment I tumbled into. This Vincent Flanders fellow is a complete self-aggrandizing fool and guru-wannabe. Here he has dedicated an entire effort to highlighting the sub-par and uninformed work of others but overlooked one significant requirement of such a venture ? The nay-sayer should most likely demonstrate a mastery of the medium before bashing others. You're site sucks V.F. And, I'm putting it at the top of my list of crappy sites, not because it is the worst but because your scathing reviews of others jettison you to the bottom of the food chain. It's called negative style points.

Now, don't misunderstand me, many of the sites on the web could be improved. But, this guy is not the Macgyver we've been waiting for to point out what and who they are. Furthermore, it's OSHA-safe to say if this guy orchestrated all web development, it would be the fad that the 50-year old guy in my office claims it to be. But, when it comes down to it, I predominately feel sorry for aspiring developers who actually listen to this dullard. It's like Jonestown all over again.
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what did you d/l just before napster died?
so last night i do a google search on MIAMI VICE MUSIC and the first hit leads me here. now while i could poke fun at that fact that this site exists, i feel unable to for three reasons:

1. i actually conducted a search for the information.
2. it is exactly what i was looking for and is pure gold.
3. it is 500% more useful than my own site.

for those of you thinking i'm dating myself with this crocket and tubbs reference , realize that i was literally dating myself in the mid 80's given that this show ran at 9pm on fridays (MOM! I WAS TAPING THAT!).
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Does this remind you of anyone you know?
my cyber-friend psychonaut is at his qwirky best again. the saga of roter hutmann is an absolute must read. while it is possibly something geared more towards computer geeks, i think that all people should be able to join hands in a peanuts like moment to enjoy its tale.

and, if you find yourself smitten with psychonaut's comic stylings, feel free to complete his application to become his girlfriend. what questions might you have asked?
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TECHNOLOGY 2000-12-31
give me some skin
tired of the aged look of your netscape or internet explorer browser? if so, give neoplanet a tryst. they offer a broswer based on the ie engine that's skinnable. i have been using it for a little while without issue, but try it at your own risk. if it goobs up your machine, i will not be making a house-call.
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