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LIFE, WEB 2002-06-06
get your eat on
for those on the get troy committed consortium, allow me to proffer additional evidence. for those participating in the troy is the most anal man on the planet group, allow me conclude your effort. and, for those who like to occasionally dine with walt and i, allow me to remove the mystery of what will be slopped in front of you on any particular evening.

while we each have our own reasons, a few months ago marty and i moved to a monthly menuing system. on marty's part she has been trying to keep our food budget somewhere near the allotted amount. i have been petitioning to know what we are having that night so the ingredients are ready for use (meaning not frozen) and accounted for (meaning not at the store). and, collectively we recognize that it probably isn't ideal to have our family meals at 9:30pm given the little human we are now responsible for. given these factors we now sit down at the end of the month and create a menu for the coming month. rules follow:
  1. we alternate who gets to pick the meal from day to day
  2. sundays are new dish night
  3. mondays are staple night
  4. fridays and saturdays are left open
  5. tuesday through thursday rotates between rice, meat, fish, pasta and a wild card dish
  6. and lastly, should you wish to dine with us, you must tell us before sunday, shopping day, so we may get extra stuff for your gullet. note: steak night works on a strict first call first come basis and if marty doesn't like you, she requires you pay for your own cut so kiss up well.
given this lengthy introduction, i now welcome you to visit the recently completed What I'm Eating section of

additional note: only the recipes we deem keepers are committed to the recipe index for your own use and edification.
stop it, you're killing me
a one-way ticket please
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