you ever wonder what people will say about you when it's all over. i know something people won't be saying about me:
'there wasn't a soul who disliked troy'
i've heard this in reference to a few people in my life and must say i question it every time.
for instance the kindest, gentlest guy i've ever known was hated by another guy i knew. granted the hate guy was a totally unreasonable, irrational and self-important tool, but he did technically hate the nice guy. perhaps the epithet for those who were never disliked should be amended to read:
'he luckily never met an idiot so everyone liked him'
and just in case you're wondering if the nice guy was really all that nice, he'd sit down to pee when a guest in someone's home as to not splash water/urine all over their floors and walls. where i come from, it just don't get any nicer than that.