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FAMILY, LIFE 2008-03-19
it seems a post from a few weeks ago has been causing a lot of confusion. first of all, marty is not pregnant and second of all marty is not pregnant. the first not pregnant clarification is for the people who felt the end of the previous post left things too uncertain. the last two lines read:
and in case you were feeling anxious for us, marty's queasiness has since passed.

but the fear hasn't.
i explained to marty that i was trying to be literary, not literal so hoped that by saying things had passed, i was implying that things had passed and we were out of the woods. sorry to have mislead some.

as for the second not pregnant disclaimer, marty recently got her hair cut short so anyone who knew of our ritual OR read that same post AND bumped into marty in the last few weeks was thinking that we were for real pregnant. now this confusion is certainly more justified and i'll say that even i was briefly duped by the circumstance of it all.

marty's stylist works a few doors down from our pediatrician so she booked anthony for a checkup and herself for a haircut in the same hour. we all drove to the doctor's office and then asked the kids if they wanted to go in with me and anthony or with mom. all voted for me and anthony (dumb luck that) so i escorted three rambunctious children into a cramped and spartan waiting room while marty took a peaceful stroll down the street.

surprisingly the kids and i got in and out quickly (you ever want to guarantee yourself good and fast service drag behind you three destructive and loud humans into places of business). upon getting into the car, we decided to go look for marty instead of waiting for her to return. i didn't know exactly where the salon was but figured if it was within walking distance we could find it. i drove down the road and soon spotted one and pulled into the lot. they had blinds up that prevented me from seeing the people inside so i told the kids to wait while i checked it out. i entered the lobby and stuck my head around the partition. i spied marty getting cut towards the back of the room. she and her hair lady were chatting lightly and i noticed that most of marty's hair was gone. i looked at the swaths of hair at the beautician's feet and ducked back behind the partition before marty could see me spying.

i somberly slid back into the driver's seat. the kids were going on furiously about if i saw her and was she in there and do they have candy for little kids who sit very still. i told them she was in there but that when she came out they wouldn't recognize her because she was getting a very different sort of haircut. for the first time they paused thinking on what i just said. after a few contemplative moments they started refuting my claim. i stuck to my guns saying they didn't know because they hadn't seen her and i did. right at this perfect moment, a hunched over elderly woman exited the salon. i pointed to her and said ...

there's mom guys.

what? where?

right there. she just came out.

that isn't mom. that's an old lady.

i told you you wouldn't recognize her.

we don't recognize her because THAT ISN'T HER!

of course it's her.

if it's her why is she going to the car next to us.

she's just joking you. she's not really going to get in it. she's just playing.

(we all watch as the woman fumbles with her purse)

ahhh. she's tricking you good. in a moment she's going to come over here and say she tricked you.



(the woman found her keys, opened the door and got in.)

see. she just got in.

man, she's really taking this far. she really want's to trick you big.


TROY (i shouted at the window)
marty! get out of that car! you're going to get in trouble if someone sees you.

dad! that's not her!

it is her. but she won't be able to start it so she's going to get out and come over any second.

the woman starts the car, backs out and drives off. somewhere during this the kids think that it may be their mother and are now concerned for her. with the kids twisted and craning their heads to watch the wayward woman drive off, marty emerged from the salon and got into the car while everyone else was peering out the back window. they spun around and excitedly caught marty up ...

dad was joking us, saying you were some old lady. but then the old lady drove away. but it's ok because we knew it wasn't you and that dad was just joking us.

yeah, he does that sometimes.


sooooo what?

so, that's a pretty daring haircut.

yeah, i decided to make it easy on myself.

there's nothing you want to tell me is there?

no, i don't think so.

ok. because that is an awful short haircut.

OH! NO! no! no. absolutely not.

ok. you gave me a bit of a start when i looked in there and saw you all demi moore'd up. i considered driving off without you.

but you didn't.

yeah, it occurred to me i was getting the raw end given that i'd have three and you'd just have the one.
the juice
you're mistaken because you weren't born in my house
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