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FAMILY 2011-12-15
for those who asked
the official ogre rules (as divined and governed by the dearmitt clan)

  1. a dad or a mom or a much older kid plays the ogre.
  2. the kids are the food for the stewpot.
  3. the ogre chases the kids.
  4. if the ogre tags a kid, the tagged kid must go to the stewpot (typically a bench or a tree or the like)
  5. the only way to get out of the stewpot is if another kid who has not been tagged comes to the stewpot and tags you out.
  6. the ogre wins if he gets all the kids in the stewpot.
  7. the kids win if all but one kid is in the stewpot and that last remaining free kid tags all the captured kids out of the stewpot before getting tagged by the ogre (when only one kid is left is, for sure, the loudest and most exciting part of any ogre competition).

  1. you must be in the stewpot before you can be tagged out (that is, you can't be tagged free while walking to the stewpot).
  2. there is no base or safe spot for the kids.
  3. you have to stay inside the prescribed area, usually a playground or the shallow end of a large swimming pool.
  4. if there are more than five kids playing, you may add a second ogre.
  5. you must honestly obey the rules of the stewpot (e.g. pretending to be tagged free when you weren't) or the game is immediately over and cannot be played again on the same day.
  6. it is fair to pretend to be in the stewpot when you are in fact free, tagging kids who have been sent there. however if an ogre discovers you using this ploy, extra attention may be given to properly keeping you in the stewpot.
  7. it is suggested that ogres wear their running shoes and eat their wheaties prior to a round of ogre.
TroyScript: acting out
Photo Gallery: December 2011
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