a story and conversation repository (est. 2000)

marty is a acts of kindness person. meaning she feels love through kind things people do for her. and this is not to say stuff like giving her a diamond bracelet or taking her out for a rally burger but instead things like cleaning the kitchen, mowing the lawn or building and installing two (TWO!) stained glass windows for the front of our house while she is visiting her sister in chicago. i guess there aren't many women who wouldn't prefer their dude actually doing something productive while they are away caring for their two (TWO!) children than running around being a moron with his friends. it's just to say that it means more to marty than most.

the below work took place from saturday afternoon to wednesday evening, going to real job included. granted there was little sleep and even less recreation but the vision was set and achieved fully on schedule. and, yes marty was appreciative and troy was proud albeit a little cut up and bella, well bella could have cared less, not less than alex though.

PART I: the tedious part
after taking a class and building a few preliminary windows a year or so ago, i felt as though i had enough of an understanding to try to make my own stained/leaded glass window for the house. i used to think that these types of windows were dramatically overpriced. now, after having made a couple i've come to the conclusion that they are absolutely giving them away.




PART II: the really, really tedious part
i've yet to talk to someone in this business who doesn't find the 'cementing' process of window making to be the most evil part of it all. it's messy, smelly, tiring, not highly visible in the end but all who do it also agree it is one of the most pivotal steps in the cycle.




PART III: framing the art
stuff in our house has either never been painted or painted 10 times. there is a definite sense of accomplishment in bringing something back to its original state. i can't help but think the object is thankful for being freed from the layers of paint enslaving it.




PART IV: pride of ownership
believe me when i tell you it's not about keeping up with the jones'. i know them and they don't have it together as much as it may appear. it's more about doing the most you can with the things you have.




PART V: returning to your roots
working on an old house is like studying the rings on an aged tree. you can date the object by simply studying the artifact. and whether it's bright blue shag carpeting, omni-present felt wall-paper or boarded up windows the badge of time is worn loudly.




PART VI: and it all starts making sense
it is this kind of stuff that helps to make our house feel like our home. and i'd be lying if i didn't say i had an inflated sense of pride about these touches. that is until my mother comes over, looks at the work and says 'i don't see why you'd do that, now you just have more windows to clean.'




original monorail entry (July 23rd, 2003)

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