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  Part 2: The Attack Continues
Above my cackling I hear Mike start screaming "My Knee, My knee!" I look up and see him rolling back and forth clutching his knee and in obvious agony. I stop laughing.

"Mike! Mike! Are you ok?"

He does not respond. As I'm watching for some sign from him I notice the bird is again descending toward him.

"Mike, the bird! Look out, the bird is coming!"

Mike puts his hands up around his head, protecting his face. The bird continued its well-practiced dance of parrying and fluttering around Mike's defenses and beaking him when able. The whole time Mike's upper body is rolling from side to side covering his head with his hands. After a few moments the bird again departs.

"Mike, Get out of there!"

"I can't! I messed up my knee."

"You gotta get out of there. The bird is going to come back."



At this point the bird has recouped its senses and again dives towards Mike. Mike continues to roll about deflecting the bird as much as possible. Both Lisa and I watch the battle with wide and helpless eyes.


"What am I supposed to do?"

"I don't know but you can't just leave him there."

I look back at Mike and the bird is again gone. He is still rocking from side to side cupping his knee between his hands. I begin cautiously moving towards my fallen comrade to assist, constantly scanning the sky for another attack. When I get to Mike I kneel down and we exchange obvious points of the situation without resolution. I look around for something to fend off the bird's next attack. All I see are those orange and white construction saw legs. I try picking one up, but can't due to its weight. So I start dragging it over to where Mike is.

"What are you going to do with that?"

"I'm going to chase the bird off"

"You're not swinging that thing over me, you can't even pick it up."

"Well then you're going to have to get off your ass and get outta here."

"All right, buy you have to help me get up."

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Originally Published:
April 2001
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