a story and conversation repository (est. 2000)

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  Anxious to get home and certain of another banner day flying I arrived at the airport a mere hour and a half before my flight. This was more out of convenience and work avoidance than necessity. However, this ploy rapidly turned into great necessity as I rounded the corner in the terminal and found hundreds and hundreds of people weaving and snaking almost out of the building. A quick study showed these masses to be culminating at one of the four security checkpoints. It seems earlier in the day something happened somewhere that forced all airports to scan all computers separately. There's a lot of computers in an airport at the end of a business day.

As fortune would have it, I made it through just in time to catch my flight. And, just in time to get home and run up to my Computer Programming class. And, just in time to hear the words "On tonight's test penmenship is key. If I can't read it, I won't grade it." Disregard the fact that I was unaware there was a test tonight. And, while you are at it, disregard the fact that most people ask what cryptic language I'm writing in whenever they try to read my handscrawling.

So on this evening I longed to again be on the streets of downtown St. Paul/Minneapolis, away from tests dealing with Fibinocci's sequence and twelve dollar late fees for the epic atrocity that is Driven.

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Originally Published:
October 2001
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