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MONORAIL: Entries Tagged with QUOTES (234)

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well, when you put it that way
last thursday after first getting up and passing bella in the hall she stopped and held her hand up to me as if a cop instructing traffic to halt and said the following in a doctor-serious voice.
you go take a shower.
you get underwear on.
then you watch big bird with me.
she then turned and headed towards the tv room. the body of the teddy bear she had in a serious headlock bobbing behind her. if i could express a thought in the office using half her conviction and firmness, i might actually make something happen. which i think may have worked out had i not been watching the prescribed episodes of big bird and company all morning.
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i'll be out in the garden dear
sleeping with calista flockheart would be like having intercourse with a bag of rakes.
howard stern
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yeah, i may have failed to mention that
as per usual buddy james takes what is already good and makes it better as seen in this email excerpt referring to yesterday's post.
just be thankful that you can't repeat that skin over your entire body, because then you'd have that terrible prison tattoo on every square inch of your person. and really isn't it enough that only marty can read the word 'sweetness' on your ass...we don't all have to see it.
we best not get into how buddy james has such carnal knowledge of this little known fact about myself.
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LIFE, SOCIETY 2003-03-13
i think i'd get my hate on
My mother's mistress had three boys, one 21, one 19 and one 17. Old mistress had gone away to spend the day one day. Mother always worked in the house. She didn't work on the farm in Missouri. While she was alone, the boys came in and threw her down on the floor and tied her down so she couldn't struggle, and one after the other used her as long as they wanted for the whole afternoon.

Mother was sick when her mistress came home. When the old mistress wanted to know what was the matter with her, she told her what the boys had done. She whipped them and that's the way I came to be here.
Mary Estes Peters, former slave

i've often heard people comment on the 'misdirected' hate of our oppressed towards the living ancestors of these evil-doers saying things like "i didn't do it" or "you can't hold me accountable for what someone did a 100 years ago". i may have even uttered this a time or two myself. that said, if this happened to my mother or grandmother, etc i think i may harbor some ill-will, however ill-logical it may seem to someone who doesn't have this as part of their family tree.

the un-correctable nature of this history totally sucks. but the even sadder fact is that this history is still being written.
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FAMILY, LIFE 2003-01-28
daddy gone bad
there is this popular video tape for babies that we have. i'm not going to say which one, no point. at the end of the tape the video's creator comes on to say something or another about the merits of the program and why you should buy more of them. i've come into the habit of uttering a particular phrase whenever she graces the screen. what i say each and every time is "stripper gone good."

the reason is quite simple. this woman simply looks the part. she looks as though she once may have felt comfortable walking around on tables in skimpy garments until marrying a wealthy patron where she's now doing that whole mom in the burbs thing, only with an entrepreneurial bent.

marty typically just rolls her eyes, employing her often used troy-annoyance-defense-mechanism. bella typically just looks at me momentarily and then returns to her task of beating her blocks against some valuable. the other day after saying my little quip, bella quite unmistakably uttered the phonetics of the same phrase. marty did not roll her eyes this time. they did something else, the description of which i will spare you.

my defense; "well, at least they weren't her first words".

and for the record "oh suck" which i say every time the wood bin is empty weren't her first words either. close to the first, but not her first.
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that's my girl
ok, now let's see some men cry.
marty while watching the bachlorette.
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it's not just me that talks about em
Like anyone else, I maintained a healthy interest in farts, all ten varieties - the silent but deadly, the slow leaks, the hissers, fizzers, poppers, croakers, bangers, cheek-flappers, tail-gunners, and cargo farts, the ones that deliver a load - and this one was in a class all its own. A small dark cloud of a fart such as an alien from outer space might deliver to Earth, necessitating the evacuation of cities.
excerpt from garrison keillor's Lake Wobegon Summer 1956
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but i thought you were that midget
i wish that i could just once get an email from buddy james that didn't make me smile, laugh and hate him for his unending wit and charm.
mike and i went to see jackass last week.

honestly, a midget kicking himself in the head equalling laughs really isn't was only memorable on the big screen because it didn't happen at a kelly family reunion.


also, a post script you can appreciate
***dispatch from the reference desk***
some patron just sent a picture of crockett and tubbs to the color printer on my desk. now they'll have to pay $1 for this piece of magic.
hate the buddy james.
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what it's all about
He was remembering the nights he'd sat upstairs with one or both of his boys or with his girl in the crook of his arm, their damp bath-smelling heads hard against his ribs as he read aloud to them from Black Beauty or The Chronicles of Narnia. How his voice alone, its palpable resonance, had made them drowsy. These were evenings, and there were hundreds of them, maybe thousands, when nothing traumatic enough to leave a scar had befallen the nuclear unit. Evenings of plain vanilla closeness in his black leather chair; sweet evenings of doubt between the nights of bleak uncertainty. They came to him now, these forgotten counterexamples, because in the end, when you were falling into water, there was no solid thing to reach for but your children.
excerpt from The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen
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you can go hard or you can go easy, but know this, you will go
for those sending money and thoughts in the name of the tv-cart family (08.07.02), here's a follow-up.
my grown, lazy and fat ass has banished the devil box to the hinterland.

for the record, i stayed up until three last night watching it and am exhausted, gained five pounds, feel like shit and i'm not going to say anything to you about changes in the quality of my marriage or sex life.

you grown and portly friend will not be watching the super bowl from his own couch.

not tell me about the particulars of his marriage? perhaps not in an email and maybe not even today but unless he intends on severing all personal ties to me and never looking me in the eye again, this is a story that will be told.
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LIFE, SOCIETY 2002-06-20
you wouldn't like her when she's mad
You stupid, stupid, stupid bastard.
Hillary Clinton after the hillbilly confessed to his monica transgression, as heard by some staffers
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under the influence
while i'm going to respect his request for anonymity at this time, buddy james recently found a home on the web doing that whole bloggy thing. on a recent update he was kind enough to recognize your humble host. i'm sure glad michael's name was also in this short list else it would read: influenced by troy and a litany of girl weblogs.

while i personally do not take issue of the noted company in any negative vein and while i'm fine with the amount of grunting and scratching i do, buddy's choice of wording would not serve me well among some of my more testosterone ridden mates. case in point, the other day bookguy and i were going to play tennis and he was displeased with the amount of doddering (his word) i was doing before getting out the door. when i, finally, slid into the seat next to him he looked at me and said: i'd love to know who messed up on the human assembly line and gave you a penis.

what can i write ... reliable help is hard to find.
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all facades one day crumble
And, in that moment Sherman made the terrible discovery that men make about their fathers sooner or later. For the first time he realized that the man before him was not an aging father but a boy, a boy much like himself, a boy who grew up and had a child of his own and, as best he could, out of a sense of duty and, perhaps, love, adopted a role called Being a Father so that his child would have something mythical and infinitely important: a Protector, who would keep a lid on all the chaotic and catastrophic possibilities of life. And now that boy, that good actor, had grown old and fragile and tired, wearier than ever at the thought of trying to hoist the Protector's armor back onto his shoulders again, now, so far down the line.
excerpt from The Bonfire of the Vanities by Tom Wolfe
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LIFE, SOCIETY 2002-03-15
no wonder i have so much energy
Ambition is exhausting. It makes you friends with people for the wrong reasons, just like drugs.
carrie fisher (actress, writer)
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FRIENDS, LIFE 2002-03-06
there's a new unabomber in town, or more appropriately, outside of town
i'm about three paychecks away from packing it up and heading into the mountains for good.
(and no one thought you would really do it. enjoy your faux retirement brother.)

and, oh yeah, happy birthday B.
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wonder what that specific zone is?
i think i only have one erogenous zone.
e-love on the complexities of his sexuality
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even when i go to the bathroom
the first thing they teach kids is that there's a god -- an invisible man in the sky who is watching what they do and who is displeased with some of it. there's no mystery why they start that with kids, because if you can get someone to believe that, you can add on anything you want.
george carlin on things he has learned
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FRIENDS, LIFE 2002-01-23
i'd really rather you didn't
i sent an email to a buddy, Intentionally Disheveled Guy, the other day thanking him for a favor he did for me. in part of my letter, i wrote:

thanks again and i owe you a solid.

his, unexpected, response read:

ugh. What's that? It doesn't sound too good.

the really sad and scary thing is, he?s right. sorry Disheveled Guy. i will keep my solids to myself.
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FRIENDS, LIFE, WEB 2002-01-11
in troy we trust
I have recently been told I have a responsibility to my readers. This disclosure closely paralleled my discovery that I had readers. All very exciting.

I was recently telling someone of a recent trip I took to north carolina to surprise my best bud Bookpimp on his 30th birthday. The person I was speaking to turned on me and in a highly exasperated manner proclaimed, "But you said (on your website) you couldn't go and that you were sending him a present, which was going to be late might I add." (12.28.01 entry)

Well yes but all that was a ploy to make pimp think I wasn't going when I really was.

And, just when in the hell were you going to tell us?

Hmm. Soon. I swear. I was just about to. The fact of the matter is on my way there in the airport I overheard this great exchange in the bathroom between a small boy and his father. At that moment I decided to make a photo essay of sorts where I would combine photos from the trip with things I overheard on the trip. My initial plan was to get 30 of each in honor of bookpimp's special day, but alas my friends aren't as stimulating as I initially thought and so we have 15 photos coupled with 15 quotes for a cumulative 30. There is no order or credits given. The order is irrelevant and the orators know who they were which should be enough so Bookpimp is 30 is just a lean collection of images and words which I hope you enjoy at some level.

And, pimp has his present now. And, he seems to like it. although instead I think for a present I could have simply told him that I wouldn't ask him if it feels different being 30, because a lot of people ask that, and there really is no answer, I guess because there really is no question but I guess it does feel different in a sense in that you get asked a lot more inane questions than when you were 29. See you at 40 to see if it's any different than 39.
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it's a collaborative effort with the george foreman grill folks
just in case you call a cave your home, computers changed again yesterday thanks to our friends at apple.

get yours now here.

and i actually listened to a geek slap fight yesterday regarding this product. i personally felt the death blow came when the guy defending the new model said the following to the guy who wanted to keep his beige rectangle because it looked normal.

As far as the design, well, I understand. Some people just can't let go of their Members Only jackets neither.

i so love verbal warfare.
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i won't have it
The woman in charge of costuming assigned us our outfits and gave us a lecture on keeping things clean. She held up a calendar and said, "Ladies, you know what this is. Use it. I have scraped enough blood out from the crotches of elf knickers to last me the rest of my life. And don't tell me, "I don't wear underpants, I'm a dancer." You're not a dancer. If you were a real dancer you wouldn't be here. You're an elf and you're going to wear panties like an elf.
excerpt from Holidays on Ice by David Sedaris
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FRIENDS, LIFE 2002-01-05
Photo Gallery: January 2002

I have often said that I would return to college in a second, making a lifelong commitment and resolution to grow my mind and assist others in doing the same. Then chavez sent me this snippet from a text he is studying in his graduate program at chapel hill.

"The demystifying potential in this latter argument has been recognized by no less a deconstructionist than Derrida, who has t...
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damn, man! this guy will knock you on your ass!
There IS NO tomorrow!
There IS NO tomorrow!
Apollo Creed to Rocky Balboa in Rocky III
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happy holidays
i told the preist don't count on any second coming
god got his ass kicked the first time he came down here slumming
he had the balls to come, the gall to die and then forgive us
no i don't wonder why, i wonder what he thought it would get us
excerpt from Concrete Blonde's 'Tomorrow Wendy'
off the Bloodletting album
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LIFE 2001-12-11
i'm definitely talking to the wrong guy here
blah, blah blah Blah, blah blah Rumple Foreskin blah blah BLAH, blah blah
anonymous speaker
(something i overheard at a christmas party last weekend.)
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