it was 6:27 in the morning. i was sitting at my desk writing (for you, for this). i heard marty's alarm go off twelve minutes earlier and then heard her shuffle to the bathroom. then at 6:31 i felt her hands on my shoulders. they slid down my chest as she leaned down to hug me from behind, my desk chair mildly in the way. i then turned and took my wife in, standing in nothing but a pair of cotton underwear and looking amazingly young and fit with her flat stomach (after 3 kids !!!) and tan skin. i stood up and stepped in to hug her.
you look amazing.
you're not going to want to get fresh here.
what? me? ok. why not?
i've got to go try to find the baby bunny we buried in the back yard last year.
uhh, like now?
yes. i need it for school.
is that why there is a sheet of paper on the kitchen that says BUNNY BONES?
yes. what did you think it was?
another one of your mother's recipes.
nope. for real bunny. hopefully fully decomposed somewhere in the back yard.
ladies, for the record, there are few things, and i do mean few, that can de-rail the male libido in the early morning, but i can now attest, images of your potential partner digging holes in search of a tiny rabbit carcass definitely lives somewhere on the list.