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Parenting from the Heart
by Jack Pransky
Publisher Note:
Just when you thought you’ve heard it all-Parenting from the Heart offers a new and different, refreshing approach to parenting. This easy-to-understand, down-to-earth book moves beyond parenting theories and techniques to get to the heart of parenting. If parents know how to look within their hearts to find the answers they need, parenting techniques are not necessary. If parents know how to find a loving connection with their children at most times, discipline and consequences are rarely necessary.
Troy Note:
when marty was still teaching high school we met some really impressive young people. there was this one guy i found extra remarkable. after knowing him for awhile marty and i met his parents at a social event. we asked them a number of questions about their philosophies in regard to parenting. they were very open about sharing their personal beliefs with us. one of the more concrete things they mentioned was this book.

there can be no doubt that the tenets discussed in this study are contrary to how either marty or i were raised. they don't feel natural. but then again neither did holding a tennis racket the first time someone showed me the proper way to do it.

and this book affirms a theory i apply to virtually everything; the difference between being mediocre and great at something is a whole lot of dedication, discipline and patience.

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