i've recently talked a few times about the day we went to a wedding a few weeks back. i was just sent a link to a bunch of the images from the event and found some share-worthy. first, here is a picture of bella doing her thing after the ceremony.
here's walt and i at the reception before the music started.
and here's walt thirty seconds after the first song of the night.
and here she is sixty seconds after the first song of the night, and up two dance partners.
and here's a lucky picture of the first drunk guy i've ever enjoyed in my life.
he was spectacular.
and the later it got, the more entertaining he became.
at one point in the evening i commented to marty that had she married the dancing, drunk guy instead of me, she might actually have problems adjusting to someone who could outdance her at a wedding reception. this guy never once left the dance floor (wether it was empty or not). marty shot me a look that told me this was the most daft thing i've ever said to her. i stand corrected. and if i were the hot pants dancing guy, i'd stand on my head corrected.