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MONORAIL: Entries Tagged with HAIR-GIRL (4)

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another from the "lots of questions. scant few answers." series
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what does troy read
the girl brave enough to tackle my hair, even sent an email requesting the honor of doing so post-larry, is thinking about starting a fashion blog. i told her that one of the very few websites i routinely look in on is, of all things, a style-based site. seeing me every few weeks and knowing how limited and shabby my style sense is, she expressed great shock and then interest in a site that could hold my interest so. here is the email i sent her.

this is the man and blog that for the first time ever made me want to be seriously fashionable.
great, amazing stuff.
and right out of the gate too.
i was initially very skeptical of his motivations and thought he was some device by jCrew or some greater garment industry to plant their baubles and product lines but it seems sincere.
he was offline for a few months but in pulling the link up to send to you see that he is back. this is good and great news.
hope you find it interesting, revealing, and most-of-all, inspiring.

a few of my favorite post of his:
robert evans
dorthea lange
jayne mansfield (that first picture is one of my favorite all-time, ever photos.)
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FRIENDS, LIFE 2009-04-22
i guess
some latent observations about yesterday's post dealing with male grooming:
i guess i may be the last guy walking around who didn't know that male grooming is better known as manscaping.

i guess it's only fitting that the girl who cuts my hair be the one to tell me that.

i guess i shouldn't have been surprised when i googled manscape that a word like 'boyzillion' would appear in the results.

i guess i should have remembered sooner that when bookpimp got married, as a wedding gift to his wife, he got his back waxed. when the hair lady looked at his naked backside she explained that what he paid her wasn't enough to do the whole thing and asked if he wanted to pay more or wax less. the wife was still touched that her man got a large rectangle of hair removed in her honor.

i guess i should have known an images search on the term manscape would have produced something as depressing as this.

i guess after seeing that photo my advice to hair-conscious men everywhere would be stop shaving and start running.
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FAMILY, FRIENDS 2007-01-19
some days i'm a lonely adult too
in visiting with the hair-girl today she told me that growing up she thought the proper term for children with no siblings was 'lonely children' instead of 'only children'. throughout the afternoon my mind kept returning to that thought and i've since concluded that her usage is way more apt, appropriate and concise the what has always been used. and starting today, it is how i will refer to the country's growing phenomenon of lonely children.
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