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FAMILY, LIFE 2019-10-08
slow your roll
at the end of every week, i write two journal entries--one for my business and one for my personal affairs. i do this with several things in mind. i like to reflect on the happenings of the prior seven days. this is both to celebrate any progress and achievements as well as help set the tone and priorities for the week ahead. last week's personal entry, shared below, felt a little more potent than most.

SEPTEMBER 22, 2019
it was another spectacular week. full of health. complete command of my time--via self employment. improving at tennis. dad hours with my kids. dates and love-making with my wife. hard to imagine a life more complete.

after writing the prior sentence a thought occurred to me that it would be nice to be more financially set, wealthy even. i think that is coming but i think with it will also come more professional pressures and monetary distractions. when the company crests this hill, a greater number of people are going to want our services which will certaintly take time. and with excess money in the bank, my mind will be pulled in directions and to distractions that are now out of reach (vespa, ball-machine, home-renovation, travel). the thing to know about each and every one of those things is that all of them will call for my time, time i must reserve to manage/enjoy those things (and it's not like i'm sitting on a huge bank of free time at the minute). right now, when they are not financially possible, i don't spend much time thinking on them, and since i have none of those things, i don't spend any time enjoying them, which creates a natural and healthy simplicity to life.

so, don't get all overwrought about a financial future that may or may not happen. make sure to enjoy the simple and easy-going cadence of these days. i have a feeling i may one day look back on this stretch of my life when i had enough money to pay my bills, all of my children living in my home, a perfectly working body, and in wild adoration of my wife and say these were the best years of my life.
there's more than a little truth in that closing sentiment.
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Photo Gallery: February 2006

family v.
bookguy and i extend our gratitude to you for sharing your warm and rich home with us for our ski trip. i can't recall when i laughed or smiled so much in a week's time (and i am blessed to laugh and smile quite often).

keri, i knew i remembered you so fondly for a reason and am glad i haven't let you permanently sneak away. you were wonderful and charming then and are even ...
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is it my fault i have soft features?
i know a guy who's pretty effeminate. i mentioned him in passing to some people, noting his daintiness and marty chimes in and says:
"he's no more girlish than you."
i thought she was joking or not speaking to me. she wasn't joking and she was speaking to me. problem is, to me this guy seems really, super effeminate. looking for some manly support i turned to luby who was present. not only did luby not step up on my behalf, by the time he was done talking he had me thinking that the guy in question was a real-life rambo or extreme fighting aficionado compared to me.

i gotta say, i don't know what's up with these folks or why i hang out with any of them cuz they obviously aren't too bright. and now if you'll excuse me, i've got to go dust off my asian teapot collection.
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FAMILY, WEB, LIFE 2001-05-08
The next fugative
One time while getting my car fixed a guy sat down next to me in the waiting room and started talking to/at me. While this is not a noteworthy event, what made this exchange odd was that this gentleman thought I was dating his daughter and asked me about an outing that apparently took place a few nights previous. He was working on his second question before realizing that I was not his progeny's suitor (I'm real certain the dumbfounded look on my face clued him in). Now, while this fellow represents the guy who most thought I was someone else, he is definitely not alone in that I am often confused or likened to people who are not me.

Given the frequency of these sightings and a comment from a guy last week at lunch, I have compiled a list of the people that I have most commonly been compared to.
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LIFE, SOCIETY 2000-12-08
Now serving customer #0000001
a couple of weeks ago i ordered a necklace i found on the web. yesterday i received a call at work from the proprietor of the web site telling me that i was her first customer. she was very excited and very kind. it's unfortunate more business folk do not take her approach with their customers. so all of you last minute shoppers should swing by and check out her wares at she has some nice and unique pieces. and of course, it always feels better to buy stuff from people you don't mind buying stuff from. good luck lauri.
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