a story and conversation repository (est. 2000)

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  bookguy described the thai restaurant he once ate it as we drove around the u-district of seattle looking for it. he said it was a super-tiny place and you could watch the cook prepare the food right in front of you. the last time he was there (many years ago) there was this crazy beautiful asian girl working the grill. at this point, bookguy fell into a bit of a trance as he recounted the details of the experience. the retelling involved about 97% girl and 3% food so my hopes of a tasty thai meal were not what one might call great.

after finding it, his description of the environs was crazily precise. sadly, his luck with the girl chef was not as giving. it seems she was replaced with a 93 pound dude with a back as flat as a board and whose veins protruded from his arm-skin to alarming degrees.

the food was dead-on great though!

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Originally Published:
April 2004
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