a story and conversation repository (est. 2000)
What I'm Thinking 02.14.25
What I'm Remembering 01.13.25
What I'm Reading 01.10.25
What I'm Eating 05.03.13
Who I'm Looking Like 12.16.11

Druggies 12.17.24
Gotta 11.12.24
Spelling-Challenged 10.10.24
Take your best shot 10.07.24
Haters 09.18.24

Photo Gallery: November 2017

how about that stranger things? if you're one of the six people who haven't seen it yet, worry not, no spoilers here so don't sweat reading on.

the show is crazy well-done. the story. the mood. and particularly for season two, the music. it is doubly poignant for me as i was the same age as the characters in the time it was set. i may have also, like the characters, been on the edges of ...
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