a story and conversation repository (est. 2000)
What I'm Thinking 02.14.25
What I'm Remembering 01.13.25
What I'm Reading 01.10.25
What I'm Eating 05.03.13
Who I'm Looking Like 12.16.11

Druggies 12.17.24
Gotta 11.12.24
Spelling-Challenged 10.10.24
Take your best shot 10.07.24
Haters 09.18.24

the one-twitter challenge
were i to use twitter i would not only be brief in characters (as mandated by them) i'd also be brief in contributions (as mandated by myself). after some thought, i've concluded my one and only contribution to the twitter morass would be the following.
in life, always:
1. act with respect.
2. make mature choices.
honor those and you will sleep well and hit life's end line content and grinning.

the above text is taken near verbatim from an email exchange with a former student, who is now graduated and i need to just start calling a friend given our ongoing relationship. he and i have shared two lunches recently. the first to celebrate a new responsibility given to him at the dream job he secured six months ago. the second lunch, just a few weeks later, focused on how he could depart the company. it turns out the owner, who at first seemed to be a warm and patronly mentor is mildly, but not quietly, deranged. when sam explained what had gone on, i expressed surprise that he hadn't left already. one week after the second lunch i received an early morning email from sam announcing his plan to put an end to the crazy job this day. usually i'm not a spry mail responder (like, that happens at nine, ya know) but given the import of the moment, i took a minute to dash off a quick reply, hence the brevity of the message. the only bit removed involves a statement that no matter how the world around you (e.g. shitheel boss) behaves make sure to conduct yourself with grace and aplomb.
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