a story and conversation repository (est. 2000)
What I'm Thinking 02.14.25
What I'm Remembering 01.13.25
What I'm Reading 01.10.25
What I'm Eating 05.03.13
Who I'm Looking Like 12.16.11

Druggies 12.17.24
Gotta 11.12.24
Spelling-Challenged 10.10.24
Take your best shot 10.07.24
Haters 09.18.24

FAMILY 2009-03-10
a step towards happiness; enjoy the small marvels
our house is bad at checking messages. the last time i checked them their were nine, the earliest of which was from five days prior. as i saved and deleted my way through them, one in the middle went like this:
hello, this is bella dearmitt. i was calling to see if bella would like to come play at my house tomorrow and if she would like to come to my house on march 6th for my birthday party. ok. again, this is bella. bella dearmitt. thanks. goodbye.
i mentioned this to marty. she casually said that when she checked the other day there were nineteen messages, six of which were from bella inviting herself over to play.
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