a story and conversation repository (est. 2000)

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  The only thing more beautiful than the storied structures and history of Italy are the people. Forget any lies you were ever told of the stereotypical Italian. They are not the stout, disheveled house-marms and pasta-eating clemenzas portrayed in so much of American media. While that does exist, our friends behind the pen and camera seem to have overlooked the majority presence of this country's native.

This neglected party happens to include some of the most beautiful and well presented people I have seen en masse. While many may consider this attention to appearance vanity defined, not enough can be said for what a spectacle awaits the unsuspecting onlooker. They are a well-dressed, acutely-manicured and extraordinarily fit collection of citizens and a grand treat to observe.

Furthermore, they are a jovial and hospitable lot, assuming you are not expecting them to cater to your western service expectations and ethnocentric views. After seeing some samples of the privileged and arrogant American at the counter or arguing a bill, it's a wonder they allow us into their country.

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Originally Published:
November 2000
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