a story and conversation repository (est. 2000)

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  Another innovation that has eluded our great culture is the European water closet. I'm not certain how we can hope to retain the "most hygienically uptight" title given our lack of the pivotal bidet.

The bidet is easily one of man's finest inventions. How we, the most technologically advanced society have evolved to our present station without this simple apparatus baffles me. Can a civilized people subsist without this crucial item? I, now, think not and going forward consider it not only an amenity, but a requisite indicator of modernization itself. While I cannot afford to retroactively stock the bathrooms of America with this vital instrument, I can and will do my part by installing one in my own home as a symbol to my neighbors and friends of the treasures that exist beyond our borders.

Many may be hesitant the first time they approach the awkward looking pedestal uncertain of it's application or mechanics. I know I was but ventured forth, inquisitive and intrigued of its purpose. I personally attempted three positions before finding one I feel is close to its intended design. I even went as far as to call two employees of our penzione into this bathroom to try to explain its functional use. The language barrier proved too great and I abandoned the cause before they thought I had carnal mischief in my mind. Therefore, my utilization is unique, but personally effective. I look forward to garnering a relationship with a native user so that I may get a concise explanation of its true application. You can be certain to find my report published on for your own edification.

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Originally Published:
November 2000
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