a story and conversation repository (est. 2000)

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  Just as you are coming down from the high obtained at the coliseum, you walk out front and cross the street to the crumbling but existent roman forum. I've never been what one would term a great American patriot, but anytime I jet through Washington d.c. I find myself bloating with pride for the society and culture for which I am a part. The monuments, history and symbols drag me into a hubris I'm typically not accustomed to.

Now take d.c., multiply it by 10 and you would be coming close to the way this place touched me. But instead of American pride, I felt human pride. Walking through the remnants of this past juggernaut just knocked me out. The decisions and events that took place on this hallowed ground, molding what we now know as western civilization. The greatness cannot be questioned.

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Originally Published:
November 2000
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