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  A great follow up to Vatican city is Carnage city, a.k.a. the roman coliseum. Equally storied, this house of pain played host to some of the most gruesome competitions mankind has ever produced for entertainment's sake. Unfortunately, this structure has been pillaged by enemy's and countrymen alike yet, still stands as ominous and impressive as ever. Walking about these corridors nearly 2000 years since its last contest, one can still obtain a sense for the brutality this theatre acted out.

And, I have to say that I love watching the people walk around this place with the "tsk tsk, what barbarians" song playing through their head, but if you think for a minute these games wouldn't have an even greater draw today, you're drunker than the previous attendants. It would make the super bowl look like a Wednesday night showing of any pauly shore movie ... in it's third week. While we like to assume an air of superiority, the only thing preventing this kind of behavior is the governing bodies that would kill us if we tried killing others for sport. If the government however would build it, we would come. Need proof, just wait for sweeps week with televised executions.

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Originally Published:
November 2000
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