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  Another disparity between here and there can be found in their transportation. The most obvious and famous example would be the public facilities. Europe's train network is world-renowned and lives up to every expectation.

One surprising and bonus revelation I discovered via the train system was a reminder of what a litigious society we possess. The inundation of safety measures and notices in our world has numbed us to what life used to be like. A life before bike helmets, signs stating "our coffee is served HOT" and shampoo bottle warnings reading DO NOT DRINK. Case in point, upon exiting a train in Pisa we moved to the other side of the platform to get away from the flood of people. Eric and I were standing by the edge adjusting our packs while Jen mapped out our next move. Suddenly a gust of wind hit me full bore and about sent me sprawling. With squinted eyes I reeled to my right and spied the flashing cars of a train that was not only NOT stopping in Pisa, but seemed to accelerate to about 90 mph through the station, I have never been passed by something that large, that close, that fast in my life. Eric and I just began cackling at the ludicrousness of the situation, realizing how the "speed up to mach 7 through the train station" policy would not fly in the states.

Other disparities include, the size of the cars, the code of the road, non-speed limit (my personal favorite) and narrow thoroughfares. The smallest car in America is larger than the average car in Italy, especially in more populated areas. And you haven't laughed until you see 4 uzi-packing government troops climbing into a clown car with their knees up at their chest rushing off to quell some rebellion. Platoon meets Mr. Bean.

And, as if the blending of micro-cars, loose speed limit and narrow roads weren't enough, throw in a gazillion scooters for good measure. The rules here are simple. The lanes are for the cars and lines are for the scooters. You'd think this would equate to certain mayhem, but everyone seems to live in symbiotic harmony. Furthermore, it appears as though we have not yet exported road rage, because the death toll after one rush hour in the states would be severe under this program.

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Originally Published:
November 2000
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