a story and conversation repository (est. 2000)

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Our Dance

Our Dance
Before Marty leaves the house she usually stops by to let me know. Lots of times I'm at my desk working (as she will be leaving for work). When I spin in my chair, sometimes she looks like she does in the above picture because she knows I am going to react to what I see.

Ohhh. I love that [sweater/pants/haircut].

I know you do dear.

I don't think you should go out.

I know you don't, but I have to go to [work/store/friends].

I think you should call them and tell them you can't make it. That you are sick and you have to stay home.

But I am not sick.

Well, tell them I'm sick and you have to take care of me.

But you are not sick.

I know. But they don't.

She has never not gone out. But I know one day she will stay. This is why we keep repeating this conversation. And, this is why Marty is smiling like that, because she knows we are about to have the conversation.

You might question my methods but this is pretty much how I got her to marry me in the first place—by never giving up. So my day will come and when it does she will, again, make me the happiest fellow you've ever met.

( 2017 )

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