a story and conversation repository (est. 2000)

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Sweet Corn and Watermelon Fest

Sweet Corn and Watermelon Fest
marty is great for motivating the family to take in local attractions. one weekend she said we should head over to mt. vernon illinois for the Sweet Corn and Watermelon Festival. the family did a collective "huh?" but her vibrance and energy made it happen. all the corn (and watermelon) you could eat thanks to an a.m. corn shucking competition. and i'm not sure what was more enjoyable: eating the buttery ears or watching some of the fair goers sneak the all-you-can-eat corn into their bags and purses.

i was sad to learn, in prepping this post, that the festival was suspended due to lack of support and volunteers. hearing this made me sad, especially since now that we're veterans we'd know on our next visit to bring our own sticks of butter because that is one staple they run out of every year.

( 2007 )

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