this is from, i believe, anthony's first year of dad lunches, which means his first year of pre-school. he looks so small it's hard to imagine him going to school any sooner. i can't recall exactly what these lunches sounded like but would pay top-dollar for a recording of one of our conversations. i imagine it would have dealt with what happened at his school earlier in the day and week and me probing him for what he liked and dis-liked about those happenings.
one of marty's aunts just married off her youngest daughter. she is the aunt at family gatherings who lights up most at the sight of the little ones. i commented on this once asking her about her affinity for the toddlers. she consented easily and mistily, "oh what i'd give for just five more minutes with one of my girls when they were that small". this picture gives me that sense ... and it took place less than five years ago. i can only imagine the emotions this blurred image of my youngest son, his booted legs too short to even bend at the chair's seat, will stir in me in another twenty years. as i often jokingly tell people, i'm not saving money for my kids' college tuition, i'm saving money for the therapy i'll need when they move on in life.