a story and conversation repository (est. 2000)
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Everywhere I have lived, I have this thing I do where I find spots in the house/apartment on the floor in corners or under things and sit or lie down there and read a book or just think on something for awhile. I don't remember how this exactly started, but I remember sitting somewhere weird for some reason or another and looking up and realizing how different it all looked from that vantage point. Since then it is just something I do from time to time.

Think about it. We live in these huge places and sit in the same eleven spots month after month and year after year in some Archie Bunker like stupor. While there are between 74 and 312 places to plant yourself in the average domicile, we always choose one of the standard and assumed locales. So let us call September the "sit somewhere new month" and the next time you're going to visit a book or magazine or just zone out for a time, pick a corner or dim spot in your home and camp out for a little while. I promise your take of the environment will change after that time. In fact, I'm writing this while lying behind my toilet.

For those asking if this prose goes with this photo, it does, loosely. I respect these girls for looking at their world differently and I appreciate the photographer for appreciating the moment. Kudos go to both. And given my typical audience, I'm sure I'm not the only one who contemplated the more interesting uses for these magno-cards. I personally wear mine around my waist whenever out and about, with the help of a belt fashioned out of duct tape.

I would like to thank Lyndsay Stehman Milam, one of my best customers, for sharing this recent wedding photo with me. Actual photo credit goes to photog professional Maria Strinni.
SEP 2001

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