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recently i wrote about my obsession with living the perfect day (ref). a few weeks after that a friend of mine called bullshit on this pursuit. he didn't say it was greedy of me, he said it was irrational, and in truth not possible. he, and his wife, argued that you can't have multiple perfect things. it defied the point of perfection. you just can't have a bunch of perfects.

i did not have a counter in the moment. mostly because they caught me off-guard. of all the things you could goof on me about, my quest to repeatedly live perfect days was not one of the things i ever expected to be challenged on. for me it was like someone saying that a hostess ding dong is obviously better for you than a gala apple. i think we all experience mouth paralysis now and again. most times we can just dismiss it but this came from a friend, a good friend. given the source i let this marble roll around the curved walls of my mind for a bit, trying to see if he might have pointed out one of my blind spots (finding my blind spots being another thing i'm kinda obsessed about).

then, a few weeks after this conversation, i came upon this video of a guy who had a hobby of drawing free-hand circles (youtube). in fact he was a free-hand circle competitor and champion. free-hand circle drawing competitions being a thing-who knew? in learning more about him, i think the circle guy and i hold similar opinions on the notion of perfect. every time he grabs a stick of chalk and starts loosening up his arm he intends to draw a perfect circle, and often does. every time i wake in the morning and drink my water and do my pushups, i intend for the hours that follow to be used in perfect harmony with my intentions. those who know me know that those intentions are planned from the moment my feet hit the floor in the morning until the my head sinks into the down of my pillow at night. i figure if there can be a competitive circle-drawer in this world, there surely should be room for a competitive day-haver. and for each person the goal is perfect execution every day, every time.

i share this in the event there are others that also had an anti-perfect philosophy (and i have no doubt there are). if you still disagree we can leave it as a matter of semantics. regardless of where it lands with you, my campaign to repeatedly experience the perfect day continues. and to your next question, yes of course i'm tracking my pursuit for the perfect day (exhibit above) as that which cannot be measured cannot be improved, or in this case, perfected.
AUG 2019

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